Harmonix is watching FoF-FF

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Harmonix is watching FoF-FF

Postby crazy.neo » Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:37 pm

Why all the panic and discussion? It's not even an issue yet, and never was, do you think Harmonix and Activision didn't know we were ripping their songs from the start? Remember, it all started with GH1/2, the first release of FoF could rip those files natively and no one gave two poos. It was actually BUILT into the game, and FoF was a project that /was featured in competitions and all. It was also featured and mentioned millions of times on their official forums. I doubt they weren't informed back then, and if they didn't do anything until now, they won't do it at this point when the game and tools are stronger and more capable than ever, to the point where we can chart as well as the creators themselves.

My view is, don't worry. It's not your problem, it's extremely unlikely and even if it happens, I'm sure nwru and the powers that be have a backup plan in place. That's how he got into porn.
Last edited by raph666 on Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Topic cleaned and locked. Intelligent discussion and opinions became useless flaming, misinformation and unnecessary drama. And unnecessary drama is, well, unnecessary. We will advise.

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